"This is the VPN book I wish I'd written. It explains enough about the
protocols and issues to clarify the difficulties for the novice, and
supplies page after page of clearly-commented examples -- the only way to
learn how to make a VPN work! Building Linux Virtual Private
Networks will be at the top of my list when people ask what they
should read about this complex networking topic."
Tina Bird, Security Architect,
Counterpane Internet Security,
Moderator of the
mailing list,
and VPN
FAQ Maintainer.
Building Linux Virtual Private Networks offers concise, step-by-step
instructions for building VPNs based on both standard protocols (IPSec,
SSL, SSH, PPTP) and popular Linux VPN solutions (VTun, cIPe, tinc).
Through numerous examples and proven practices, you will gain important
insights into choosing a VPN solution, installing and configuring it,
setting up routing, configuring firewalls, measuring performance, and much
An interview with the lead authors is available at New Riders:
Oleg Kolesnikov Interview -
Bri Hatch Interview.
The book is available in stores and online, including:
 | Amazon.com |
 | Barnes And Noble |